Sunday, May 6, 2012

Finished: (3970) OTR, Podcasts & Music by Various Performers

Album: Alison Krauss & Union Station Live Disc 2
Comments: good album.

Tech Podcast:All About Android-41-Oh, You Mean This White Balance with Jason Howell, Eileen Rivera and Ron Richards
Comments: slept through this show.

Album: Bee Gees Greatests Hits Disc 1
Comments: good album, but this is a bad digitized copy from LP. I need to re-digitize or buy a digital copy of the album.

Sci-Fi Podcast: Escape Pod; Ep-293-a Small Matter, Really by Monte Cook
Comments: refined me of the movie Time Cop.

Old Time Radio Show: Giants; Ep36-the Giant of Madras (480516)
Comments: skipped.

Tech Podcast: Ipad Today-24-City Guides, Imockups, Cnn Goes Free, Flipboard's Update, Parrots! with Sarah Lane and Ron Richards
Comments: listened to part of the show before skipping.

Music Podcast: Le Jazz Affair Show #344 (03-15-2009) with Sal Calfa
Comments: good music in this show.

Talk Radio: Project Camelot Interview; Valery Uvarov-Pyramid Power and 2012 Pt1
Comments: lousy audio quality and not interesting enough to put up with the audio quality.

Music Podcast: Smooth Jazz Affair Show #108 (08-26-11) with Sal Calfa
Comments: good music in this show.

Talk Radio: Whitley Striebers Dreamland; Show 10-07-2011
Comments: somewhat interesting so I listened to part of the show.

Dwight A. Hunt, Sr. A+, MCP
Facebook and Twitter: dahuntsr