Thursday, November 4, 2010

Finished/Comments: (3180) OTR, Podcasts & Music by Various Performers

I ended up skipping many of the tracks in this group as I wanted to move on to the next book.

Album: All Over The World-The Very Best Of ELO,
COMMENT: excellent album. I highly recommend if you like 70/80's music or Electric Light Orchestra

Sci-Fi Podcast: Clarkesworld Magazine - Online Science Fiction & Fantasy; Ep-401-the Things by Peter Watts
COMMENT: ok story. Good enough to keep me from skipping over it.

Sci-Fi Podcast: Escape Pod, Ep-231-Solitary as an Oyster by Mur Lafferty
COMMENT: audio quality poor. Story boring so I skipped it.

Old Time Radio Ghost; Ep016-in Pursuit of a Ghost (51111) with Harry Lime
COMMENT: audio quality fair. Good story but it was an adventure story not one about ghosts.

Podcast: Le Jazz Affair Show #434 (01-24-10) with Sal Calfa
COMMENT: first track started out ok, but then got a little funky. Skipped rest of show.

Tech Podcast: Leo Laporte - The Tech Guy show 613
COMMENT: Scanned through listening for topics of interest.

Podcast: The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio  August 8, 2010,
COMMENT: Scanned through listening for topics of interest.

Old Time Radio: Things; Thing in the Tunnel by Charles Dickens
COMMENT: poor to fair audio quality. Story ok but but I don't feel like listening to it again.

Album: Shania Twain Up! Disc 2
COMMENT: excellent album. I've listened to it several times.

Tech Podcast: Windows Weekly-174-Living the Wifestyle with Paul Thurrott
COMMENT: Scanned through listening for topics of interest.