Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Next Item: (3203) Mack Bolan #87; Caged by Don Pendleton

Summary by Graphic Audio:

A desperate cry for help draws Mack Bolan into a world where educated, attractive foreign women are kidnapped and forced to work in America's top companies as blackmailed industrial spies. The back trail leads to an Indian businessman with a link to the Red Chinese, whose operation hijacks high-tech cargo for a covert weapons program.
Compounding the threat, these rogue nationalists using slaves to steal technology shipments from the West are employing radical Islamic terrorists as deadly enforcers. With fellow Stony Man warrior Yakov Katzenlenbogen by his side, Bolan spreads a message in blood from Los Angeles to Calcutta and Sicily: doing business with the Chinese could be fatal.

Approximate Run Time: 7 hours

On Graphic Audio: http://www.graphicaudio.net/p-162-87-caged.aspx

On Amazon; http://www.amazon.com/dp/037361487X?tag=dahuntsr&camp=213761&creative...