Album; Barry Manilow II
Sci-Fi Podcast: Clarkesworld Magazine; Ep-796-Finisterra by David Moles
Album: Alan Jackson Don`t Rock the Jukebox
Tech Podcast: Dvorak News Blog; Show-539-2013-08-15-Assume the Position with Adam Curry & John C Dvorak
Sci-Fi Podcast: Escape Pod; Ep-402-Tale of the Golden Eagle with David D. Levine
Music Podcast; Le Jazz Affair Show #033 (03-22-2006) with Sal Calfa
Talk Podcast: Mysterious Universe; Ep-923-Network of Neolithic Tunnels Uneer Europe with Ben Grundy
Sci-Fi Podcast; Prometheus Radio Theatre Short Stories
Old Time Radio: Sci Fi Favorites; The War of the Worlds by Orson Welles & H. G. Wells
Old Time Radio: Six Shooter starring Jimmy Stewart; Ep01-Jenny (530920)
Music Podcast; Smooth Jazz Affair Show #197 (05-10-2013) with Sal Calfa
Talk Podcast: Unknown Country; Show-07-26-2013-What Lurks Beyond--Paranormal in Your Backyard
Dwight A. Hunt, Sr. A+, MCP
Facebook and Twitter: dahuntsr
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