Monday, May 20, 2013

Next Item: (4457) John Carter & the Giant of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Publisher's Summary

John Carter and the Giant of Mars is part of the famous Barsoom science fiction series, written by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Co-written with his son, John Coleman Burroughs, it follows the story of the adventurous Carter and the princess he loves, Dejah Thoris. As the book opens, the two of them are attacked, and Dejah is carried away, leaving Carter to wonder whether he will ever see her again. He calls on his friend Tars Tarkas to help, but their journey to recover the princess is an eventful and sometimes dangerous one. Among other encounters, they have to face a city populated entirely by rats - not to mention, of course, the giant of Mars - who is no less than 130 feet tall! This tale is full of incident and variety, as well as a range of fantastic and memorable characters, making it a book that readers of all ages will take to their hearts.

1 hr and 51 mins

Dwight A. Hunt, Sr. A+, MCP
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