Saturday, February 9, 2013

Next Item: (4329) Hammer's Slammers; Counting the Cost & The Warrior by David Drake


Publisher's Summary

Here are two action-packed novels from David Drake's "Hammer's Slammers" series, which set the standard for military science fiction.

In Counting the Cost, the hottest science-fiction mercenaries are back, so why count the cost? The other guy is going to pay for it! Hammer's Slammers must win a two-front war while maintaining the civilian power structure against hordes of religious fanatics.

In The Warrior, Colonel Alois Hammer, Luke Broglie, Tess Kuykendall, and Slick Des Grieux - cogs in a killing machine - find themselves at the center of a potential bloodbath.


10 hrs and 24 mins

Dwight A. Hunt, Sr. A+, MCP
Facebook and Twitter: dahuntsr

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