Tech Podcast: All About Android-42-Ces- the Other Big L with Jason Howell, Eileen Rivera and Ron Richards
Comments: skipped. Don't care for live shows from conventions floor.
Sci-Fi Podcast: Clarkesworld Magazine; Ep-601-Pack = Robert Reed
Comments: boring.
Sci-Fi Podcast: Escape Pod; Ep-327-Revenants by Judith Tarr
Comments: good story.
Album: Ghost in the Machine
Comments: excellent album
Album: Various Artists, Goldfinger
Comments: good album.
Tech Podcast: Ipad Today-80-Ces 2012! with Leo Laporte & Sarah Lane
Comments: skipped. Don't care for live shows from conventions floor.
Music Podcast: Le Jazz Affair Show #320 (12-21-2008) with Sal Calfa
Comments: good music in this show.
Talk Radio: Project Camelot Interview; Mr X-Secret - Eyes Only
Comments: interesting discussion on alien vehicle crashes.
Sci-fi Podcast: Sci-Fic Book Review Podcast; Sfbrp #049 - Dan Simmons - Hyperion with Luke Burrage
Comments: I tried listening to this book, and thought it stunk. In fact for me, books that win the Hugo or Nebula awards tells me the book is lousy. I've yet to find a book that won one of these awards that I liked.
Music Podcast: Smooth Jazz Affair Show #133 (02-17-2012) with Sal Calfa
Comments: good music in this show.
Talk Radio: Whitley Striebers Dreamland; show 02-17-12
Comments: interesting discussion about ghosts.
Dwight A. Hunt, Sr. A+, MCP
Facebook and Twitter: dahuntsr