Monday, February 27, 2012

Next Item: (3872) Soldier of the Legion by Marshall S. Thomas


Publisher's Summary

A rough truce divides the known galaxy between the System, the despotic slave empire that rules the inner systems, and the Confederation of Free Worlds. The ConFree is defended by the Legion. Beta Three, call sign Thinker, like so many young fools before him, joined the Legion after the love of his life walked out. Fresh from the boot camp called Planet Hell, Thinker's unit is called to defend a remote ConFree world from a mysterious System incursion. The Legion doesn't negotiate with slavers, even if it means another costly war.

He and the rest of the fearless Legion will soon discover that giant exosegs, slavers, and systies are just the beginning. Once before, the Legion faced the godlike, utterly alien and evil, Omnis, and drove them back at the cost of billions of lives. The future of humanity, all humanity, even the corrupt and decaying System empire, will soon be in the hands of soldiers of the Legion.

Thinker is only just beginning to comprehend the depth of his insanity.


9 hrs and 7 mins

Dwight A. Hunt, Sr. A+, MCP
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