Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Next Item: (3524) Pendant Productions - Star Trek Defiant Episodes 1 thru 10



"Star Trek: Defiant" is a full-cast, ongoing sci-fi serial adventure based upon the Star Trek television series.

Defiant started off as a text-based story list in early October of 1995. Believe it or not, that list is still around. I actually met my wife there. :)

But back then, Defiant was really something new and different on the newborn, barren wasteland of the internet. A bunch of fans with a similar passion for Star Trek came together and formed close friendships while telling stories about our fictional crew set upon my favorite of all the Star Trek ships, the USS Defiant (of Deep Space Nine fame).

You may notice that an awful lot of the characters share names with the people who created them/actors who play them, including myself. Back then we didn't know who each other were, and so it was a decision we made to name a bunch of the characters after ourselves simply so that we could learn each other's names. Not a very exciting story, perhaps, but there it is. :)

Defiant has a long and rich history that all of its members have formed together over the past decade, and it's my complete honor to bring Defiant to a wider audience in the realm of audio. We are absolutely making it accessible to everyone, so you don't need to know ten years of Defiant history in order to understand or enjoy the episodes. But we will try to incorporate some of the more major events from our past into some storylines to help new listeners learn more about Defiant and the universe she interacts in.

Welcome aboard the USS Defiant.

Boldly go.

Jeffrey Bridges
Creator, "Star Trek: Defiant" (writer episodes 1 - 9, director episodes 1 - 6)
Founder and Executive Producer

Their Website: