Publisher's Summary:In a far-distant future, the Uman Empire has spread to the stars and beyond, conquering and colonizing worlds, ruling with a benevolent - but iron - fist. The Pax Umana reigns, and all is well. But on one planet, the remnants of a violent, shape-shifting race called the Sagathis are confined, kept captive by xeno-cops, who have been bio-engineered to be able to see through their guises. Still, sometimes one manages to escape. Zak Cato is a xeno-cop. He's returning a fugitive Sagathi when things go horribly wrong. Cato - the only survivor after the rest of his men are slaughtered - must now figure out who betrayed them and bring the alien in, whatever the cost.Approx Running Time: 10 hrs and 27 minsOn Amazon: Audible:
I listen to audio books all day long and mix in music, tech podcasts, and old time radio shows. I post what I'm listening to, and my opinion of it when I finish the item. Abbreviations: (GA) = Graphic; (JDL) = Public library system; (Podiobooks) =; (Librivox) =; (TTS) = Text to Speech conversion.