Summary by Graphic Audio:A rescue mission in the South Pacific turns up a wild card that puts Mack Bolan an the trail of an elusive enemy mounting a horrific and ingenious attack against the U.S. one that involves traitors deep inside one of the world's most elite and powerful groups of soldiers: the French foreign legion.
Bolan's hard probe takes him halfway across the globe to French Guiana, where a faceless enemy is in deadly pursuit. The stakes get higher when Bolan makes the connection between the country's state-of-the-art satellite launch facility and a terrorist plot poised to send shock waves around the world.With the situation spinning out of control, the Executioner plays long odds for his very survival. But this time he's betting the farm.
Approximate Run Time: 5 hoursOn Graphic Audio: Amazon:
I listen to audio books all day long and mix in music, tech podcasts, and old time radio shows. I post what I'm listening to, and my opinion of it when I finish the item. Abbreviations: (GA) = Graphic; (JDL) = Public library system; (Podiobooks) =; (Librivox) =; (TTS) = Text to Speech conversion.