Tuesday, November 3, 2009

(2398) Friday by Robert Heinlein

Publisher's Summary

Friday, a secret courier, is thrown into an assignment under the command of her employer, a man she knows only as "Boss." She operates from and over a near-future Earth in North America, a vulgar and chaotic land comprised of dozens of independent states. In America's disunion, Friday keeps her balance nimbly with quick, expeditious solutions as she conquers one calamity and scrape after another.
This program includes adult content and themes.

On Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Friday-Robert-Heinlein/dp/034530988X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1256484902&sr=1-1

On Audible: http://www.audible.com/adbl/site/products/ProductDetail.jsp?productID=BK_HEIN_000009&BV_SessionID=@@@@1135039033.1256482411@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccceadeijhemglicefecekjdffidfij.0

On Michigan eLibrary: http://elibrary.mel.org/record=b19517727~S15